Tuesday, December 31, 2024

2024 New Years Resolution Outcomes

These are 2024's Resolutions - lets see how they came out.

1. learn how to bake bread

Took a class in January with 3 other folks and mastered the art of sour dough.  Then I ditched flour in June and his Lordship took over the task.  Now he is the bread baker in our house.  We have not purchased a loaf of bread all year but I don't eat it any longer.

His Lordship baked this loaf on Dec. 22.

2. learn how to decorate cookies

Nope did not happen although I tried to take some classes through the library.

 3. Make some new witch jars

Did not make a single one.

4. Make some new tombstones

Accomplished - you can see the result here.

5. Reduce my carbon emission by taking no out of state trips

Yep - did not travel out of state in 2024 at all.

6. Learn to can vegetables

Nope other than making pickled beets and cucumbers, this did not happen

7. Finish all those Halloween crafts that have been piling up for years

I managed this  and this.

8. Complete 6 stained glass projects

I completed 4 projects.  A Garden of the Gods Project, a corner web for Pumpkin Rot, a mushroom panel for Baby M's kitchen and a Christmas present for my sister.

9. Practice yoga 5 days a week

I had a yearly membership at Root and probably averaged 4 times a week

10. Refinish the staircases

We managed to remove the carpet and paint one of the two staircases.

11. Remodel downstairs bathroom



12. Learn to use my Christmas present from my son from last year - my Gaomon drawing tablet

Done - you can see it here

So out of the 12, I fully completed 5, partially completed 4 and completely blew off 3. That is about a 66% success rate. I know this is so boring for you readers but it keeps me honest to be accountable to you.

But I did accomplish a few other things this year.  

So all in all, except for the election, (which was a huge disappointment) not a bad year. 

When is that bloated orange loser gonna croak because his waist is much bigger than 1/2 his height?


  1. This wasn't boring at all, Lady M! You accomplished a great deal this year, I'm impressed. A lot more than I did, LOL! And your stained glass work is magnificent.

  2. You were busier than a one armed paper hanger.

    1. Absolutely -can't imagine a one armed paper hanger has much work.

  3. I haven't even made a list yet.
