Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Backyard Makeover - aka Why My Shoulder is Taking Ages to Heal

 Two weeks after injuring my shoulder by handling heavy Halloween totes, his Lordship and I decided to xeric scape the back yard with boulders and rock.  We hired a group of young fellas to place the boulders, build the steps and cart wheelbarrows full of rock.  We, his Lordship and I, laid all the paths and arranged most of the medium size rocks.  Needless to say, this did not do my shoulder any favors and a month later, it is still aching.

Pictures at sunset

Pictures at sunrise

I also had him Lordship put a skull door knocker on my shed.  A gift from my Twisted Sister who is not talking to me - but that is another story.


  1. Looks great, so at least you sacrificed your shoulder in a good cause.

    1. Well thank you - it was just dirt and weeds as we did not want to waste our precious water resources on lawn. So we are pleased with the way it turned out.

  2. Is the big rock in the first picture where you have your spare housekey hidden under?

    1. I will put it under there if you'll come out and lift it up for me.

  3. Hope your shoulder feels better soon!
