Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Michael R. Miniatures

 For years I have been hinting to his Lordship about how I wanted some Michael's Miniatures.

He never seemed to take me seriously until last week when these little beauties arrived in the mail.

I have shown them to their new home in my spooky dollhouse.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Code Orange All Over Town

 Yesterday Baby M and I went all over town as reports of code orange have been lighting up my Instagram feed.  We visited Marshalls, Home Goods, JoAnns and Michaels.  Surprisingly, we both budgeted the same amount to spend as we found out last year, if one waits to buy, all the good stuff is gone by September -  such is the growth in popularity of Halloween.

Here is some of what was on offer.

We both found lots to love and purchase at all 4 stores.  Pictured below on Baby M's garden wall is the damage.

As you can see, we do like to buy some of the same stuff because we have crafting plans this spooky season!

Some of our faves include this shepherds hook with solar powered light from JoAnns.

This cat scratcher with costumed cats.  Obviously, it meets Toothie's stamp of approval.
A rare glimpse into my boudoir reveals these spooky sheets from Marshalls.
Not to be outdone by a code orange, Pinkaween was in fine form across all outlets.

Monday, July 15, 2024

What's wrong with blogger?

 Anyone else having problems with blogger?? I am trying to upload pictures and all of a sudden it has a bee up it's butt because I have my cookies off.  It won't let me use my google pictures nor upload pictures from my computer.  What gives? It never has a problem before.  Half the time it won't let me comment on half your blogs. 

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Light Summer Reading

 I just finished a three book series that I wanted to share with everyone because it was a great read, especially the final novel.  The Scholomance Series by Naomi Novik is about a wizard school.  The protagonist, Galadriel, is an interesting heroine with some wicked skills.  The first book, titled A Deadly Education takes place her junior year at the Scholomance and the final book, The Golden Enclaves the year after she graduates.  In between the two is The Last Graduate.

 I can usually figured what is coming in books, but this one surprised me over and over again. It's fairly quick reading and at its heart, it is a love story.  Thanks Baby M for the recommendation.

Sunday, July 7, 2024


 Yah - I need another hobby like a hole in the head but I can't help myself when it comes to mosaics - they are so much fun.  Plus they are using up a lot of old junk around the house - tubes of silicon sealers, half empty bags of grout and most importantly, all that scrap glass from stained glass.

Baby M and I took a class from Kathy over at Shattered Glass Restored back in June to make a bird bath. I chose to make a spider web in the 5 hours we had to do it.  Sounds like enough time? Not by half.  The last 3 hours felt like I was a contestant on the Great British Baking Show as I scrambled to complete my piece.  Needless to say, I was not pleased and gave it away to my sister.

Here it is pictured before grout.  Unfortunately, grout did not improve the sloppy, rushed appearance of the piece.

I decided to try it at home, where I could take my time and be a little more precise.  I started doing a flower pot embellished with some glass skulls I got from Full Spectrum Art Glass. I spent a few days, letting each section dry, before starting a new one.  

I am so pleased with the results. I think it is as cute as can be and cannot wait to pot a plant in it.

Looking forward to creating more.

Friday, July 5, 2024


So I missed Summerween June 22 and thought I would inject  a bit a spooky summer spirit here at Lady M's. Gravity Falls coined the phrase in this episode.

Not to be left behind, capitalist everywhere have been busy getting in on the action. Summerween Bikinis, Decor, and Candles are just a few of the items you can purchase on Etsy. 

Of course social media is full of people making the most of this attempt to inject Halloween spirit into summer.


 Carve a watermelon


 Make a fun mixed drink






Invite guests.


More ideas to celebrate Summerween here.

In Australia, they always celebrate Summerween