Monday, July 15, 2024

What's wrong with blogger?

 Anyone else having problems with blogger?? I am trying to upload pictures and all of a sudden it has a bee up it's butt because I have my cookies off.  It won't let me use my google pictures nor upload pictures from my computer.  What gives? It never has a problem before.  Half the time it won't let me comment on half your blogs. 


  1. Experimented with using Safari, Firefox, and Chrome. Chrome is the only browser that let me comment others blogs. Safari would still let me upload photos to my blog. I am using a really old template from when Blogger was not Google. My suspicion is that causes me some problems. My HTML skills are pretty limited so I haven't looked in to other options.

  2. I use Chrome as my browser, specifically because it is recommended for Blogger (both Google products). I have no trouble uploading photos from either my iPhoto software or the internet. Within the past week, however, Blogger's software has changed a bit when I click on the upload photos icon. I believe there's some Cloud component now activated perhaps? (I'm useless with software so that's about as technical as I can get). I haven't had trouble commenting on other blogs but I think some readers may have had trouble commenting on mine. Not sure though.

  3. I did notice that the appearance of the screen to upload pictures from the computer changed a couple of days ago. I did have to click a button allowing cookies for that one process, but since then it seems to be working OK. I'm using Firefox.

    I haven't noticed any new problems with commenting in just the last few days. I know sometimes cookie issues can make it think you're not logged in when you actually are.

  4. We have been having problems with Blogger leaving comments like this for over a year now using Chrome despite being logged into Blogger (just using Chrome as is, e.g. not signed into Chrome). At first we thought it was our privacy and ad blocker extensions, but even disabled for Blogger we still had the same problems. The work around for us to leave comments on other blogger posts is that we have to log into Blogger via the Chrome "Guest" user account option in Chrome. Without using the Guest user account we can't even sign out of Blogger without it saying something went wrong. Who knows in this day and age, most of this stuff is all "bot" and "AI" automated, so even the people running the show so to speak don't really know what's going on under the hood anymore.

  5. I've found that I can drag and drop now. Open up your draft. Open another window to your pictures that you want. Drag the picture over to blogger and drop it.

  6. Alright - lots of interesting things to try - thank you all for your input.

  7. Like Debra, I use Chrome. Firefox is my preferred browser for everything else. But for Blogger, Chrome is the only one that stop giving me trouble. When I tried using anything other than Chrome, I had to log in every time. And my comments would come up as anonymous.

    1. Your blog never lets me comment - perhaps it's the chrome.

  8. Jamie here:
    I've been doing the drag and drop option, too. I'm a little scared about using a new browser.
