Saturday, July 20, 2024

Code Orange All Over Town

 Yesterday Baby M and I went all over town as reports of code orange have been lighting up my Instagram feed.  We visited Marshalls, Home Goods, JoAnns and Michaels.  Surprisingly, we both budgeted the same amount to spend as we found out last year, if one waits to buy, all the good stuff is gone by September -  such is the growth in popularity of Halloween.

Here is some of what was on offer.

We both found lots to love and purchase at all 4 stores.  Pictured below on Baby M's garden wall is the damage.

As you can see, we do like to buy some of the same stuff because we have crafting plans this spooky season!

Some of our faves include this shepherds hook with solar powered light from JoAnns.

This cat scratcher with costumed cats.  Obviously, it meets Toothie's stamp of approval.
A rare glimpse into my boudoir reveals these spooky sheets from Marshalls.
Not to be outdone by a code orange, Pinkaween was in fine form across all outlets.


  1. Nice haul, both of you! I would have bought that table runner too, plus the other one as well. Not that I have a table where I could use them, mind you. I just like their looks! Your spooky sheets are pretty awesome as well.

    1. I have a bit of a table runner fetish. I love them. You could use one for your alters.

  2. Great to hear Halloween is so popular! I especially like the skeleton couples (so romantic) and the tarantula candle holders, even though I rarely use candles.

    With those ouija-board sheets, have you ever accidentally summoned a demon while tossing and turning at night?

    Of course you have a black cat..... of course you do. :-)

    I hope your Blogspot problems have resolved. At least you seem to be able to upload pictures.

    1. Toothie is my grand cat - he belongs to Baby M. She has 4 cats but he's my favorite. Since selling the horse in spring of 2023, I am without an animal.

  3. Yes the advice was good and I was able to make blogger happy by partaking of it's crappy cookies. Tonight will be the first night I sleep on these sheets so I will see if I summon someone from beyond. The skeletons couples are very cute.

  4. Have you been looking for the toilet?

  5. I would have bought the skeleton selfies and the 3 bowls held by skeleton hands. That would have been a great party feature.

    1. They were cool but pricey! It would have blown my whole budget.
