Monday, November 8, 2021

10 year Blogiversary

 I almost missed it but yesterday Lady M's Haunted Parlor celebrated 10 years of existance!

 I started way back in 2011 with this fine post about spooky wine.  Thanks to all of you who stop by to make me feel like it is worth it.  I love my blog community.



  1. Happy Blogiversary, Lady M! Your blog rocks and so do you! Here's to many more years of gruesome gothic fun!

  2. Happy Blogiversary!! 10 years is quite an accomplishment!!

  3. Congratulations on the blogiversary -- may it go on through many more Halloweens to come!

  4. Thank you all for your well wishes. Your readership and friendship means a lot to me.

  5. Keep on keepin' on. You'll get to 20 before you know it.

    1. Who knows where I will be in 10 years but hopefully still blogging!

  6. Boy how time flies! congratulations. Always love checking the parlor out and being part of the community.

    1. It sure does - we are not getting any younger!

  7. You're one of our favorite Halloween bloggers and we always enjoy reading your posts, viewing the pictures you share, and conversing with you in the comments section. It wouldn't really feel like Halloween without you. Your presence was missed last Creepmas, but we all understood that family comes first. And then your post of the training video "Profit", such a wonderful thing to share with all of us. Kindred spirits!

    1. What lovely sentiments Eve. Thank you for your kind words. You know I am a big fan of yours and watch your haunt unfold every year with awe and enthusiasm.

  8. Happy Blogiversary, Lady M! I haven't been reading your blog for very long, but I am very happy to have found you. Here is to many, many, many years more! 🍷
