Monday, November 15, 2021

Creepmas is Cancelled

 Well boo hoo - after participating in almost 10 years of Creepmas fun, the webmasters have decided not to host this year.  I am so very sad as I did not get to participate in 2020 due to my father's last months but have participated almost every year since it started in 2011. I feel like that fat ghoul kid in the Nightmare before Christmas.

There goes Creepmas.


  1. Could you not just have a private Creepmas here on your blog or wouldn't that be as much fun if the main website isn't participating?

  2. Well yeh I will probably do Creepmas but I will miss the community a lot. And the badge - I will miss that too.

  3. Never heard of it before. Is this what you're talking about?

    1. Yep that is what I am talking about. If you would like to know more, I blogged about Creepmas Dec. 1-13 in 2011, 2014, 2015,2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019. So any of those year if you look at my blog archives, you can find Creepmas posts.

  4. Mr. Haunted Eve chatted with Sinister Visions artist Chad Savage (one of the people behind the 13 Days of Creepmas)via FB just prior to Halloween about one of Savage's recent pieces of art that we loved (we purchased t-shirts with the print) and Mr. Haunted Eve mentioned how much he was looking forward to Creepmas this year because it has inspired him to draw again after a 30+ year hiatus, and this was the response: "Aw, thanks, man! I didn't think anybody was paying attention to it anymore." So the writing was sort of on the wall for this year's Creepmas. But we all can still celebrate those first 13 days of December 2021.

    1. Yes I agree I will still do it - it was nice though when friends would ask me what it was about to let them know of the community of bloggers and the event. I will definately miss that.
