Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Resolutions - oh my!

 Let's see how last years resolutions went- I kept a simple list on the fridge and did not post about them:

1. Have a birding big year

USA Total: 2023 - 417

Previous Highest - 368

World Wide Total - 890

Previous Highest - 500


2. Refinish my little cabinet


3. Refinish the coffee table - done

4. Sell Liathach - I still miss him though and am finding I have little motivation to leave the house these days.

This year resolutions will be more extensive:

1. learn how to bake bread

2. learn how to decorate cookies

3. Make some new witch jars

4. Make some new tombstones

5. Reduce my carbon emission by taking no out of state trips

6. Learn to can vegetables

7. Finish all those Halloween crafts that have been piling up for years

8. Complete 6 stained glass projects

9. Practice yoga 5 days a week

10. Refinish the staircases

11. Remodel downstairs bathroom

12. Learn to use my Christmas present from my son from last year - my Gaomon drawing tablet

You notice nothing about getting healthy or losing weight.  That's because those things are always on my radar.


  1. Jamie here: I never bother with resolutions. I'll never remember them, let alone go through with them ;)

    1. I put the list on the fridge then every time I eat I see them.

  2. Good luck with this year's resolutions! If you do one every month, your list will be achieved!

    1. Your right Debra - thanks for believing in me.

  3. Looks like #7 could keep you busy all year by itself.

    1. Dang right - I've got old crafts that I have totally lost track of over the years.
