Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Christmas Surprises

 Well I hope your Christmas went well and was more productive than mine.  Still suffering from a nasty cough, malaise and brain fog. I did receive some fun spooky presents I would like to share with you.  Here are a couple I managed to photograph by dragging my sorry butt off of the couch for 5 minutes.  Baby M got these for me.

The first is this cute Joanna Parker skull.  His hat has little bats and cats cut outs that glow green when he's on.  He will be perfect in my Joanna Parker cabinet.
The second is this fun skull and raven ground stake with solar panel.  I think he will need a place to glow in the graveyard outside amongst the tombstones.
 So what did you get?  Anything fun?


  1. I got a lot of books about Spiritualist mediumship (which is my thing), some good chocolate, and yet more skincare crap that promises to make me young and gorgeous (I got that for myself!) I especially like the second skull with the solar bits--enjoy! best wishes, Donnalee D-M (it doesn't let me log in)

    1. I hear you - stupid blogger doesn't me comment unless I sign in with my entire URL every single time. It use to not do this. I don't know what it's friggin problem is - my comments open to everyone. That sounds like a fun Christmas haul especially the chocolate.

  2. Very cool gifts! The best presents I got were a couple more superhero action figures -- I'm blogging about them tomorrow (Thursday)!

    1. Well I hope there is a super hero alter coming. After all, they are saviors of the human race.

  3. My son in law got covid so no contact with my daughter or family. Christmas has been postponed until this Saturday, maybe.
