These are my 2025 Resolutions. They are designed as obtainable goals rather than nebulous pipe dreams.
- Build our Pet Sitting Profile - this is through the website Trusted House sitters. Basically one pays to join and then takes care of peoples homes and pets. His Lordship and I think it is a great way to get free lodging when we go on vacation. We, however, will limit ourselves to 1 pet households.
- Downsize my Household - I am going to decreased excess clutter and junk I have been hanging onto just in case we ditch this country.
- Finish or downsize Halloween crafts - you know who you are. That tote in the garage. that needs to be addressed.
- Stained glass projects - Make another bristle cone pine tree, design and make a skull with lights, add stain glass panels to a lantern, make his Lordship pikes peak with garden of the Gods. Spider web mirror (one of those Halloween crafts) and make a dragonfly panel for Lisa.
- Baby M craft projects - We are gonna make cloches, witch hats, witch jars
- Heritage Center Skeleton Craze - Do a window display based on the Bogey Book
- Front Grade trunk or treat - Participate with a green witch theme
- Pawtober Fest - enter the dogs in the costume contest
- Cut my local driving in 1/2 by doing 1/2 my yoga classes online.
- Use the rest of the foam in garage to make more Tombstones
- Participate in a Cronk Arts and Curiosities Moon Market
- Grow all my own plants - only buy tomatoes and peppers for the garden.
- Finish the last of the landscape - extend xeric bed and path.