Thursday, August 25, 2022

Halloween at Michaels

 Some of my favorite bloggers like Old Fashion Halloween and Haunted Eve have been posting their finds at Michaels.  I high tailed over to my local store but was some what disappointed in my selection.  Other parts of the country seem to get better inventory.  Could we be cheated because Colorado Springs is such a bastion of conservative christian crapola?  I took some photos of what we do have and what caught my eye.

I liked the cabinet of curiosities pillow but since there was a lot of them in stock, decided to wait for a sale.  The book above really caught my eye and I was willing to pay 29.99 for it until I realized it was damaged.  There was only one other in stock and it was damaged too so, alas, I came away empty handed.


  1. I always try to wait for sales at Michael's too because it is HELLISHLY expensive.

  2. The problem with waiting is that lots of the good stuff is gone by then.
