Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Visitors and Unexpected Spooky Stuff

 We hosted His Lordship's kin from over the pond back in February.  Part of this adventure included a road trip to New Mexico and Arizona. Here are snaps of a few weird things we found.

Details from the Chiricahua Desert Museum in Rodeo New Mexico.

Native American Basket with a bat design - this is the first time I have seen anything like this in the Southwest.
A sense of humor in Santa Fe.



  1. Those rattlesnakes battling to the death creep me out!

  2. Don't know if it is a battle or romance. On a lighter note, I got tongue tied and called you See who Sheiks. I thought you might enjoy that.

  3. New Mexico and Arizona, the land of snakes.

    1. This museum way done in the south western corner of New Mexico is just chock full of cool snake stuff - live snakes plus tons of historical snake memorabilia. It is really worth of visit if you are ever in the area.

  4. Replies
    1. First time I have seen a spooky aesthetic entering Native American art. I hope it is a trend!
