Saturday, August 27, 2022

Illusion vs Reality

 What my blog followers think I think about

What I really think about

Where my readers think I live

Where I really reside

How my readers think I decorate
How I really decorate

I am just a sham, a fake, a facade - only pretending to be Morticia Adams for a few months out of the year.


  1. Everyone's image on social media is carefully curated and deceptive! For example, HRH and I are secretly the same person! I know, shocking, isn't it?

    Speaking of the Addams Family, have you seen the trailer for the new Netlix (I think) movie called "Wednesday" that's coming out soon? It looks terrific!

    1. I will guard the secret of your alter ego well. I have seen some buzz around "Wednesday: and it does look good. Just my kind of fun.

  2. Ah, but who's to say which is illusion and which is reality? Back when I was still working, if you had stopped by my office cubicle, the bored and robotic accountant you would have seen was not the real me. What you see on my blog is the real me. Embrace the self you create.

    And that "where my readers think I live" house is awesome. I suppose it might scare Liathach though.

    I definitely have one of those pentagram tea mugs around here somewhere.

    1. If I wanted to live in a house like that, I would have a divorce on my hands. Sometimes compromise is worth it.

  3. I think your real house (you can't fool us) is cool because of the rooftop lookout. I've often thought about putting one on my house just for fun.

    1. Don't those have a name like a widows walk? A platform from which wives of sailors would scan the ocean waiting for their safe return.

  4. And you do a beautiful job of it! Thank you for your inspiration :-)

  5. I am what you see...what you see is what you get..

    1. I feel that I am really to boring for that approach.

  6. Just because we don't live in the Gothic dwellings our hearts dream of, it doesn't mean that we don't live there in our hearts. Both versions are real... in their way.

  7. Also, I'm in love with the red door!

  8. Old spooky houses like our 120 year old gal are fun only so much maintenances and frequently a money pit!

    1. I think the money pit aspect is exactly why his Lordship will not consider one.
