Saturday, October 26, 2024

Ghost Tours

 Last Friday on a wet cold dreary evening his Lordship and I attended the Heritage Centers Ghost Stories of Old Manitou Walking Tour.

First we ducked into Swirl to have a seasonal cocktail.  I had a Sanderson Sisters.

Then it was onto the tour where we met many fascinating spirits.
The ghost of Zebulon Pike attempting to whip us into shape but we were useless recruits.
This duet sang about how they came to Manitou to cure their tuberculosis.  Alas, they died and became ghosts.  As you can tell, after 1 cocktail, his Lordship had difficulty holding the camera still.  Below are a blurry Emma and Alice Crawford who assisted us to get back to the land of the living from the spirit realm.


  1. Looks like fun, but that must have been a SUPER STRONG cocktail!

  2. I think he needed to use our hand held night shot setting.
