Monday, January 8, 2024


 How would you pronounce it?

Cano wind  ra?

 The Aussies say 

Ca nawn dra

 It is a funny little country town about 3 hours drive dead west of Sydney in New South Wales.

It is the last place I would have expected to find Halloween.  And yet, here it was at the Cobwebs and Curios store.

 I was a little shocked! 

The owners husband was from the states so I guess he missed Halloween.

The whole store was a haunt

But it did not stop there - across the street was this gal.

And I thought I would miss the skeleton craze in 2023.


  1. Replies
    1. You can't take the woman out of the haunt but you can't take the haunt out of the woman. I was so pleased to get a little Halloween this year as I did not expect it.

  2. They should get one of those sister-city arrangements with Manitou Springs. Maybe exchange skeleton ambassadors or something.

    The creature with the green feathers and zebra cap doesn't look like a traditional Halloween figure -- something derived from the Aborigine culture, perhaps?

    I'd bet a lot of place-name pronunciations in Australia are kind of weird. With most of them, the early settlers probably heard a name in the local Aborigine language, and imitated the pronunciation as best they could, and wrote it down roughly how they thought it sounded. With both spelling and pronunciation, it would be difficult to get it consistent since those languages are hugely different from English.

    1. Yes exactly - many place names are mangled aboriginal names. It would make a great sister city.

  3. How are you going to split your time next Halloween?

    1. Hee hee - I think I will stay put as one of my New Year Resolutions is not to leave the state.
