Saturday, October 29, 2022

Party Pictures

I always regret not taking pictures at my party.  I just get to busy with the business of running the whole thing and socializing.  So here are the few we managed to get.  While it wasn't a really huge group, I missed  a lot of great costumes.
His Lordship

Baby M, the Norseman and me Lady M.


wow - trippy
I am arresting this woman because her coconuts are showing
The Mad hatter and a Flamingo
A flapper and her fella
Words with Melania



  1. Great costumes! Glad to see that Eddie Munson showed up too, LOL!

    1. Yes Eddie was here and closed down the party at 2:00 am.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Eve - there were so many more I just forgot to photograph them

  3. Some awesome costumes there!

  4. Hand out disposable camera's at the party or use one of the cheap knock off Polaroid cameras. Not great in low light levels only they can produce some interesting effects. I really meant to ship that MS window skeleton to you before the party I just ran out of time for so many things. Never even carved the pumpkin for the The Great Pumpkin Project. LOL
