Thursday, September 22, 2022


 Today is the official 1st day of autumn despite many of us thinking about the spooky season for weeks now.  

I made this fun fall aspen panel at Full Spectrum Art Glass way back in March.  I have been waiting for 6 months to display it in its full glory.

Signs of the spooky season are everywhere.  I passed this house the other day.  Kudos to them for getting their skeleton on the roof. 

Here in Manitou, the judges for skeleton craze are busy helping the Chamber of Commerce to get businesses to commit as we would like to make a map this year showing the locations of all the skeletons to help promote the event.


  1. Your autumn aspen panel is lovely! Mabon blessings to you!

    1. And an enchanted equinox to you. I could not ask for a better day - cool, cloudy, misty - just sets the mood.

  2. I saw a meme of 6 or 7 skeletons scrambling over a fence just the other day. Could be from your neighborhood.

  3. Could be from my house although usually it is only 1-2 skeletons scrambling over my fence.

  4. Your glass art is so vibrant. I love it. I hope you had a blessed Equinox.

    I must get out and see what people are putting up for the spooky season. Still, I suspect that it won't be as gorgeous as in your bit of the world.

  5. We watched a jeep drive by with 3 full size skeletons clinging to the vehicle looking they were trying to take to over. It was wild.
