Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Creepmas Begins Tomorrow

Welcome one and all as I count down Creepmas. If you are a new guest to the haunted parlor, here is an explanation from the website concerning what the Holiday is all about:

"CREEPMAS started in 2011 as a good-natured push back at Retail America for trying to force Christmas down our throats as early as July. Something has gone seriously wrong with how holidays are marketed to us in the last decade. When you go to a major retail store in mid-October only to find they've gotten rid of all their Halloween merchandise in favor of snowmen & Santas, well, it's time to take action!

 The 13 Days of Creepmas is an online Celebration of Seasonal Spookiness from December 1 - 13. The idea is to bring a macabre twist to Christmas and the holidays. Get creative and post on your blog, website and social media - share your twisted yule visions with the world and be sure to tag them #Creepmas and/or #MakingCreepmas!"

This cartoon says it all:

Creepmas has indeed taken off in the last year - mostly in the independent maker/artist community online.  Etsy is full of examples of fine Creepmas merchandise.  So lieu of this, Chad chose not to host the website again, feeling the blog participation had run its course.  That means no badges.  Boo hoo.  But I plan to celebrate in high style and I hope you will stop by to share a little Creepmas cheer! 


  1. Thanks for explaining the backstory of Creepmas -- makes sense! It's like tit for tat -- Halloween asserting (and inserting) itself into the first 2 weeks of December as payback for Christmas crowding Halloween's month!

  2. Hallowgiving could be the time in-between.

    1. Thanksgiving always minds it manners. It's Christmas that is such a bully.

  3. I'd never heard of Creepmas, but I think I may have just found my second-favorite holiday after Halloween!

    1. Yes - another recruit. Have fun with it Jack!

  4. Five-ish years ago I'd agree with the Creepness name, this year seeing Christmas crap in stores in September, and Black Friday sales starting 1-2 weeks before Thanksgiving, it seems Thugness is a more appropriate name. I'm glad I stumbled upon this site!

    Love the yard ornaments photo!
