Thursday, December 5, 2019

Creepmas Day 5

Would it be Creepmas without a ginger dead house? This year I used a kit I got on sale at Christmas last year.  Yes it is a little old but honestly folks - I would not eat this thing even if it was fresh as a daisy.  The ingredient profile reads like a can of paint - yech!

I kept with the Creepmas color scheme - decorating in candy gravestones, ornaments, bones, skulls, red hots, and gumdrops.  It is a bit of a mess, as usual.

If you have been following the blog for awhile, you are welcome to use that bored Jack Skellington voice and say "just like last year, and the year before that".  


  1. "Ginger dead house," LOL! Magnificent! Good use of googly eyes, too.

  2. And just like last year and the year before, I adore the peek-a-boo eyes. I love the bone fence, that’s a great idea and that spider is awesome.

  3. Cool baking art-work, dear Lady M...
