Sunday, October 20, 2019

Old Colorado City

A joining Manitou Springs to the east, across a stretch called no man's land, lies Old Colorado City.  Now OCC used to be a town of distinction -  it was once the capital of the Colorado territory.  For five days it held this title before Denver snatched it away.

In Manitou, we have a two sayings "Keep Manitou Weird" and "Keep Colorado Springs Lame".   Like our Skeleton Craze, OCC does Scarecrow Days.  Yesterday, at their Harvest Festival I went to see for myself whether OCC was gonna bring it or be lame.

For starters, there was a lot of this.  These scarecrows do not please me.  They are repulsively cute and dare I say it, lame.

Now the two below have possibilities - at least they look homemade and a bit creepy.

I also ran into this scarecrow.  I think it qualifies as weird. Any guesses as to what the pink circle is?

Finally, at the Squash Blossom, a scarecrow of distinction.

I like this picture because there is Baby M looking at her phone in true Millennial fashion.
Squash Blossom also had a creative window  featuring skeleton hands. I did not see another business that displayed this level of artistry.

So what's your vote -  Cool or just lame?


  1. Oh, I agree -- the creepiest ones are cool! The smiley face family values ones are lame.

  2. Ok this is fun and all but not as fun as the skeletons! As for your daughter I will say kudos to the witches hat 😀 and put down the phone lol

    1. Those darn kids and their phones! Just teasing - she's a great person.

  3. Well, most of these wouldn't scare any crows from Manitou Springs, not with all the stuff they're used to seeing at home.

    The pink circle on the weird scarecrow with the object apparently coming out of it made me think of that thing that burst out of John Hurt in Alien, but I doubt that's what they were going for.
