Sunday, October 13, 2019

Addams Family Breakfast

Yesterday I threw my healthy diet onto the trash heap and headed to IHOP where I had some Addams Family Breakfast.

I was joined by my little family - his Lordship and Baby M.

When the food arrived, I was sorely disappointed to find that the wait staff had difficulty locating the purple whipped cream so had substituted white instead.  We were expecting the Morticia's hot chocolate:

and we got this:
White whip cream with Baby M's lipstick
Then after the purple was found and squirted this:
As for Wednesdays pancakes, expecting this:
got this 
They look a bit like a pinterest fail.  Still, I was informed that everything tasted good.  The Gomez Green Chili Omelette was delicious.  I was not expecting purple sour cream.
Baby M as Wednesday


  1. Hehe! I was thinking "Pinterest Fail" before I read that! Those pancakes! Thanks for the laugh. :) And they came by later with some purple whipped cream. It's a funny presentation, but it sounds like they made up for it with taste?

  2. I thought the lipstick on the cup was part of the Morticia theme, LOL!

  3. Yes it was all fairly tasty - especially the omelette. Baby M came dressed as Wednesday.

  4. It's a shame that they don't even try. I ordered the Wednesday's Pancakes and was totally dissed that there wasn't any purple whipped cream. I almost left the place but my husband hates to eat alone. I refused to eat the pancakes at all though.

  5. HA! My Ed keeps pestering me to go to IHOP for the Addams Family breakfast, but I'm so worried that it won't be like they show on tv ... which is always the case, isn't it? Ah well.

  6. It is tasty but visually not so great. But who knows, you might get luckier than Leanna and I.
