Saturday, October 22, 2016

Haunted Ice and Signature Cocktail

Last night, I set up the drinks on the kitchen counter - wine, cocktails and nonalcohol upstairs and beer in the dungeon.  My signature cocktail is a vampire blood, aka pomegranate simple syrup, and prosecco.  I chose this because it is easy and I like prosecco. I made the simple syrup and the label for the bottle.

This years fun find was a gravestone chalk board at dollar tree.  It makes a great drinks menu.  I need to add a second c to prosecco.
I picked up some ice cube trays from dollar tree and am pleased with the results.  These cubes will be fun in my fugly ice bucket.

The big cauldrons contain water (so important at altitude) and non- alcohol drinks for those self-sacrificing designated drivers.  I will also make a virgin punch for those folks.  His Lordship and I both slept well in preparation for the nights event.  Let's party!!!


  1. Oh, Honey... I wish I would live near by you... we would have a lot of fun... *grin*...

    The icecubes are wonderful!!!

    1. Isn't great that the internet allows us to connect across the ocean? But I agree, we would have all sorts of laughs and vampire cheesecake if we were nieghbors!

  2. LOVE those ice cubes! Where are you going to find a virgin for the virgin punch?

  3. Really like the "skull" ice cubes ... We are posting a "Holiday Meat-Loaf"
    A fun and "creepy food idea" a great weekend to you and yours, dear Lady M...

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Sorry - failed to proof read the last comment as I did my little chalk board - vamire for vampire, proseco for prosecco. You would think that after year of being dyslexic, I would have learned to proof read. Your holiday meat loaf sounds intriguing.
