Monday, September 2, 2024

Laboring Away

Greetings on Labor Day.  I have not posted in weeks for which I apologize.  His Lordship and I have been busy laboring on all kinds of projects.  This weekend we have completed a few of them.

Labor 1 - The Shed

We had a shed delivered  on August 13th.  The purpose is to be a potting shed for yours truly (I think his Lordship is tired of dirt all over the garage).  We painted the exterior and the interior throughout August.  On Saturday we installed two boxes of cheap vinyl flooring found at the Habitat for Humanity and moved all shelving, pots, soil, and tools into the shed.  Now all that is left is to paint the sign. 

Labor 2 - Yard Reconfigure

I have a grand plan for my back yard that includes steps, various rock gardens and paths.  We got started this August on a bunch of the re configuring.  His Lordship has done most of the heavy lifting on this project - lifting flag stone and moving concrete blocks kind of heavy.

Labor 3 - Vego Planters

Since the yard reconfigure calls for removing an existing bed, we decided to get two self watering vego planters.  One reason for self watering is so that we can go away without worrying about planters drying out.  Another is to keep Siberian Elm roots out.  We are over run with invasive Siberian Elms whose key to success is their ability to send their roots far and wide in search for water.   The self watering planters have bottoms that will hopefully keep those roots out. 

Labor 4 - Old Shed and Garage

These needed a clean after moving all kinds of stuff out into the new shed.


Yesterday was the start of spooky season and I am now focused on all things Halloween.

 Baby M will come over today for a craft day.  We will begin at the Commonwheel Craft Fair for inspiration and then move onto the crafts at my house.  I have tombstones cut from thick polystyrene insulation that was leftover from the Heritage Center remodel.  His Lordship almost threw it in the dumpster but I luckily rescued it for a gravestone up cycle.  It is amazing stuff - 3 inches thick and cut to a perfect width.

 I have some names for us to choose from but Baby M always has the option of creating her own. 

Addy Ose

Chris P. Corpse

Diane Early

Maud Lynn Spirit

Anita Shovel

Willis Cape

Hal O. Ween

Teller I. Misser

Goody Riddance

Dee Comp

Miles B. Lowe

Willa Rise

Ben Heath

Ima Sue Dunn

Morrie Bund

Inna Coffin

Phillipa Cass Kett

Hera Scream

Mo Rose

Dusty Bownpyle

Ceila Later 

Bella Cose

Gunnery Turn

Rich O. Door

Em Balm

Lance A. Boil

Barry D. Hatchet

N. Tomb

Ian A. Hole

Sema Terry Wraith

Hope Less

Let the haunting begin! Brah ha ha!


  1. Wow, you have both been busy, busy bees all summer -- and everything looks great! Enjoy your Craft Day with Baby M -- it will be hard to pick the gravestone names because every one of them on your list is hilarious!

  2. You'll need a lot more tombstones to accommodate all those people. Might I also suggest:

    Dee Seast

    Ranna Redlyte

    Daisy Pushtup

    Hella Waites

    Berry Dunder

    Reston Pease

    Gonta D DeVille

    But the best part is that you yourselves didn't die of exhaustion from all that work!

  3. One of these days I'll get started on my summer projects. HA!

  4. I spent Labour Day going back hole and dealing with a travel sick son.

    Glad I'm not the only one thinking September is the start of spooky season.

  5. Oh poor little Wolfie - I hope he is feeling better.
