Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Welcome Gideon

 I got some new monsters for Christmas who have yet to make the blog.  I would like to introduce you to Gideon, the guardian of the garage.  He's keeping all bad spirits away from the garbage can.  His plinth was a gift from my sister and Gideon himself was from His Lordship.



  1. Your garbage is safe now! He's a fearsome sight alright.

  2. A gargoyle worthy of a cathedral. Any bad spirits who wanted to approach your garbage can will think twice. Maybe even the garbage man will.

  3. Origin of plinth - 1555–65; earlier plinthus < Latin < Greek plínthos plinth, squared stone, brick, tile. (I had to look this up.)

  4. I take it you don't have a plinth of your own.
