Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Michaels 2023 Collection

 In addition to the pastels, Michaels had other interesting collections.  On line drew heavily on famous authors.  Most notably Edgar Allen Poe.

Poe on the Toilet.

Mary Shelly and Washington Irving were also featured on a few items.

I like this product line for it's subtle orange and black color palette.  I really dig the coffin clock and shelf below.

I love the crackle effect on these lids.

Their other collection featured a lot of purple.

Anything catching your eye?


  1. I'd pass on the pooing Poe, but the hat tonic looks like a useful item, and they get points for stocking organic brain juice (presumably free of artificial additives, and drawn from humanely-farmed free-range brains). That bug must be alarmingly tough to need such a sturdy cage.

    The skeleton hands holding the book would be an impressive decoration if not for the typo ("world" instead of "word" at bottom left).

    The clock is unique. I'd have trouble picking out the hands, though.

    The skeletal dude in the second-to-last picture looks like he's savoring some diabolical triumph. Might be a useful accessory for curse rituals.

    1. Never even noticed the typo in the Poe book - good eye. I love how the clock hands are set to midnight. They don't really say where they source their brain juice but probably one of the blue zones would be my guess.

  2. That Poe on the toilet is highly sought after. They sold out at my store quickly. Never know what is going be the big ticket item, It is kinda funny.

    1. Wow - I can't imagine featuring that in my haunt.

    2. More of a main or guest bathroom decoration from what I have seen and read about.

  3. Hi, this is Debra She Who Seeks. Is that Edgar Allen POO? Purple is a worthy Halloween colour, I think.

    1. Yes purple definitely works better than pastels. Edgar Allen Poo is about right. Although who sits on the pot with their trouser up?
