Thursday, June 15, 2023

Some people take their obsession too far.....

So I heard this on NPR today.  It is highly disturbing.

As a haunter body parts do feature in my haunt - BUT THEY ARE FAKE! How twisted do you have to be to buy real human body parts?  Gross.

 I found this article from 2017 - just boggles the mind. 

Am I the only one who doesn't know this goes on??


  1. Well, this is news to me too. Clearly it's time for government regulation of bodies destined for dissection purposes.

  2. Based on the Reuters story, a lot of the body parts end up being used to train medical students, which at least is a legitimate purpose. Surgeons need to have the best training possible. They still should get explicit permission from next of kin, though.

    There are people who use real corpse parts, such as real skull, in occultic rituals, but I think that's rare.

    There is, or used to be, a traveling exhibition called "Real Bodies" which consisted of skinned corpses infused with plastic and displayed in various poses, mostly athletic. Supposedly it was meant to show the positioning of the muscles in the body in such poses, but the exhibitors made much of the fact that these were real corpses, not sculptures, and it seems clear that much of the audience appeal was just morbid fascination. So there are people who do harbor an unhealthy interest in such things. It's been widely reported that the corpses were of Chinese political prisoners who had been murdered by the regime -- if so, their killers no doubt made some extra cash by selling the bodies.

  3. I've heard of this before. I thought it would have been fixed by now.

    1. I guess while there is still a market, the temptation to make extra cash on the leftover bits is just to tempting. Sheesh - it turns my stomach.
