Monday, October 3, 2022

Another Resolution Knocked Out

 One of my New Years resolutions was to frame "Whiskey Jack" - my fabulous Creepmas present from last year.  It is a poster from Madame Talbot's Victorian Lowbrow Art.  I needed to find a frame for the 22 x 17 inch poster.  Luckily my favorite resale shop Who Give a Scrap had just the thing - a large antique frame on sale for $8.00. 

Just one catch - it already contained boy  Jesus.  This laminated description was on the back of the frame.
I added a little brown antiquing wax for a bit of age and slipped Whiskey Jack in through the top.
I don't think the Boy Jesus will mind sharing his home with Whiskey Jack.  You can see his divine sleeve peeking through on the right side.

 I am posting during October for the Countdown to Halloween.  If you have not been to the website, go check out all the fabulous participants.


  1. Whisky Jack is quite the guy! I remember seeing prints of Boy Jesus preaching in the temple when I was a kid. Whisky Jack is an improvement for that frame.

  2. Sorry for the off-topic comment (delete if you prefer), but I was looking at the "Countdown to Halloween" site and I noticed that the link to your blog in their right sidebar is wrong -- it just has "" instead of the URL to your blog. Thought you might want to know.
