Sunday, February 16, 2020

Chased off of the Boss Laser onto Greener Pastures

At the end of January, I was literally chased off of the boss laser by a ranting bully who accused me of breaking the lens.  It was tragic because we were paying for the monthly family membership and had been trained so had every right to be there.  But this bully felt it was his laser cutter and did his best to make new users unwelcome.  I had put hours into learning the software, designing projects and learning to operate the machine.  Regardless, I refused to pay for such a toxic environment.  And no I did not break the lens - sources tell me it is just fine.

Enter the Pikes Peak Library District.  The PPLD runs 3 makers spaces all of which have Epilog laser cutters.  Last Tuesday, his Lordship and I went to be trained and tomorrow we have our first go at using the machine.  The best part is it is totally free.  Plus one can reserve a time to use the Epilog in a bully free environment. The drawbacks are that these libraries are all a 20 minute drive and I have to learn a whole new system.

Oh well back to the drawing board.  In the meantime, here are some projects I did on the Boss Laser before being bullied off.  It's that little doll bed headboard who incurred the bully's wrath.  The headboard that broke the Boss Laser - not!


  1. That's so unfair! There are too many jerks in this world sometimes. But I'm glad you found an alternative, so you can continue to create your delightful miniatures!

  2. Great work!!! Dang bullies are everywhere.

  3. I’m always amazed the energy some people put into being miserable to others, glad you left. Once again I love all your stuff. And not just the laser cutting, the potion bottles are adorable, even the wallpaper is fantastic.

  4. Thanks everyone - working hard so I can have a big dollhouse reveal in a few weeks.

  5. OHMIGOD, I love all these little beauties! And why does there always have to be one asshat in the group that ruins it for everyone. :(
