Saturday, September 1, 2018

Fine Feathered Friends

His Lordship and I chose to move the haunted parlor last year for a few reasons.  One of which was to have a garden.  If you have been following recent posts, you know how that is working out given the occurance of  hail 3 times this year.

 The other reason we moved here was to enjoy the birds.  And oh, what birds we have.  We have kept the feeders stocked and the birds have come.  My favorites, being a fall person, are the crows.  Every day I throw some seed and a handful of freeze dried meal worms into the grass.  A scout flies in, caws, and the whole family group arrives.  Here are some pictures of them enjoying their morning ritual:

We also get Black Headed Grosbeaks, Lesser Goldfinches,Turkeys, Hummingbirds and many others.  So far, my yard list is up to 69 species.
These vultures fly over but I never get them to land.
Perhaps I need one of these.


I was amazed at the online instructions detailing how to build a vulture feeder using road kill.  Some day can only dream.

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