Sunday, February 26, 2023

Photo Dump

Nah - not pictures on the potty Mike. My phone was kind enough to inform me that I was low on memory so time to delete some pictures.  I take so many for this blog that I forget about so time to share in a series of posts I am calling "photo dump".

I took a picture of this at Cherry Creek State Park back in January. A place to shoot your family perhaps?
The Pumpkin carving contest at CVS

Details from the Dumpster at the Tuscon Botanical Gardens

Pictures taken in Meeker Colorado - that's Boebert territory.  Had to crop them heavily to cut out the Trump signs.  Still the haunt was pretty fun.


We took this Jesus picture somewhere in the midwest.  That gray complexion just screamed Zombie Jesus.

He looks pretty cool in that convertible - In the Safeway Parking lot in Colorado Springs.
What is the school bus doing at Jack's liquor store?  Field trip?

Getting in to the Halloween Spirit at the Big R store.


  1. These are all marvelous, and hilarious, each in their own way! Hard to pick a fave, but Zombie Jesus is pretty unique!

    1. His Lordship always love it when I holler pull over I want to take a picture of that guy.

  2. These are awesome! The unfortunate wording of the "family shooting" and the Zombie Jesus will have me giggling for a while. 😁

    1. Glad to hear it brought you a smile. Sorry it took me so long to respond. I was otherwise engaged.

  3. great ones & love your observations :)

  4. Thanks for stopping by and reading!
