Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Commonwheel Art Show

Over Labor Day Weekend, we headed to the Commonwheel Art Show.  We have gone annually for the last 10 years.  This year I was disappointed in the vendors.  Some of my favorite sculpture and ceramic artists no longer attend.  Still I did manage to find this wonderful Edgar Allen Poe inspired print.  The artists name is Nicole Anthony.

Also the food was disappointing fare.  After all, as a vegan I would never eat "monkey balls".


  1. The thaipepper would repel me from that booth. No spices thank you very much!

  2. Well, at least you got a lovely print from this year's show. Hopefully next year will be better again.

  3. Yes - I think some of my favorite artists have retired or died. I am looking forward to someone replacing them.
