Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Wacky Pack Puzzle Complete

My sister and I finished the Wacky Packages puzzle the other night.  It was a blast although not particularly politically correct.  We laughed at a lot of these.  The Puzzle was fairly easy, made more challenging by the fact that the picture on the cover lacks 3 inches of the puzzle on all sides.  Still it only took us an evening to complete. 
Our favorite wacky pack was Creep based on crest toothpaste.
Thank you Tom at Garage Sale Finds for such a splendid gift.


  1. Very Cool! And I'm down for Spinach Flavored Toothpaste.

  2. We especially liked that graphic!

  3. This was a few years before Crest's "Cavity Creeps" ad campaign ("We Make Holes in Teeth!"). Wonder if this was an inspiration?

  4. You're welcome again, Lady M. You completed it much quicker than my daughters and I did. You are a puzzle master (or your sister is and you're just riding on her coattails! ;))

    1. That what I do all winter during those long dark evening - jigsaw puzzles.

  5. I'm pretty sure I have that puzzle.

  6. My wife got me into puzzles. This one is awesome! I love Wacky Packages, which lead to the creation of The Garbage Pail Kids.
