Thursday, September 14, 2017

I'm Back....

And it is about time too! 

Alas - it has been a rough year.  Trump was elected president and I am still depressed. Then in May, I lost my baby sister after an extended illness.  That was really sad and left me feeling grieved for a long time. A week later, my horse was diagnosed with recurring penis cancer.  And we moved house.

Due to this laundry list of stress and loss, I hope any of you who drop by from time to time can find it in your hearts to forgive my absence.  Blogging, for me, is a happy thing and I have not had a lot to be happy about recently. 

However, each of these situations has resolved in a positive way  (Except Trump - come on massive coronary!).  We had a memorial service for Juliet in July, allowing us to reconnect with family and to recommit to see one another.  I always thought we had plenty of time and my sister's untimely death at a young age proves otherwise.  So I have been making more of an effort this summer to visit family.

Juliet with Dixie
Casper will not have his penis amputated as the vet recommended but will live out his days on a beautiful farm in Canon city being the family horse to my barn owners sister.  They love him and will keep him until the cancer progresses and he is dying.  Then we will consider end of life options.  But until then, he is well loved by two little girls who have changed his name to milkshake.

Casper aka milkshake and his Candy Corn cutie marks

And the move.  We have sold and closed on the old house and have all the contents shifted.  I finally can sit back and feel some peace.

The new haunted parlor

So fall is coming.  I feel the Halloween spirit returning to possess me.  I am inspired to reconnect with my blog and readers and am looking forward to discovering all the exciting things being planned for the holiday.  


  1. I am so sorry for your loss. Its not been a good year. What a cute house. Glad you are back.

    1. It is funny how sometimes life gets in the way of the life I pretend I have on the blog.

  2. Sorry to hear about your sister. Every death of a loved one is its own thing; and siblings, well, it can be complicated. Glad to hear your horse has found a nice hospice with great staff! Congrats on the move. It's stressful but it also signals a new start? (We moved 3 times this year before finally buying a house!)

    And now just remember that all things pass. Including Trump.

  3. So sorry to hear of all your challenges and loses in the past year. Seems to be a trend this year, we have had our own set backs as well. But fall is in the air and I hope this brings you happiness and good fortune. Glad to have you back! (and by the way, I managed to get a few pumpkins from my flooded field)

  4. I am so sorry for your loss and all the other difficulties. If blogging can bring you some joy then you should definitely stay on it. Lots of dormant blog friends seem to come alive during fall :) I am doing my decorating this weekend, and I look forward to your Halloween posts!

  5. Sorry for your loss, but very glad to see you're back. Your presence online was missed!
