Friday, December 12, 2014

ewwww - Creepy Christmas Trends

I wasn't going to blog again today but here's a creepy Christmas trend worth sharing.  It is bad enough that part of the holiday meal might get caught in a beard but ornaments?


  1. There is just nothing to say about this really - there are no words.

  2. I hate beards. It's so popular in Sweden right now and just makes me want to puke. I can't think of anything less hygienic, when even a tiny piece of food in some stubble smells horrid!

  3. I just think they are scratchy so they make kissing upleasant

  4. I love beard!! Always thought it was sexy as hell :D Obviously I LOVE the beard trend. Also very hot here in Norway at the moment. Bearded hunks with tatts. What not to love? Most men nowadays, have heard of soap, water and napkins. Thank Godzilla! I do not fear the beard ;)

  5. But what of the ornaments? Do you like the ornaments in the beard??
