Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Creepmas Day 2 - Trim the Tree

No need to settle for candy canes and colored glass balls this holiday season.  Creepy ornaments are to be found everywhere.  Here is a starter set for those of you who have none:

 You can buy them here:  https://www.etsy.com/listing/213164430/complete-creepy-christmas-tree?ref=market

Perhaps you just need one or two shiny additions to your tree.  Here is an alligator eyeball to stare back at you. It's a beautiful shade of holiday green.
available from :https://www.etsy.com/listing/171947744/alligator-eye-ornament-spooky-eyeball?ref=market

Or are creepy monsters are more your thing?  How about this little guy?

You will find him here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/213434644/christmas-holiday-glass-ball-shiny?ref=sr_gallery_16&ga_search_query=creepy+christmas&ga_page=3&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery

Of course, being especially fond of The Nightmare Before Christmas, it is hard to resist Skeleton Jack.  There are so many awesome choices online.  This one is cute cause he is homemade.

Ahhh, and then of course, there are spiders.  What tree would be complete without a spider???

source: http://octoberhaunt.tumblr.com/post/26669965700

And Zombies - gotta add some Zombies

Buy them here: http://www.neatoshop.com/product/Zombie-Mistletoe-Christmas-Ornament

Finally - we can't forget the vintage creep.

Can you believe someone is making a Krampus ornament? I did not see one of these at the German Christmas Market I attended last Friday.  Look at the kid in the bag - precious!


  1. Those are so cool! Really like the spider!

    1. The spider is a work of art - I am going to check out my local glass blowing shop for something of that sort.

  2. Always a pleasure - Etsy has a lot more where those came from!
