Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I hope you like balls

Happy Valentines Day Everyone.  I honor of you all, I have made cake balls to share.  This is an extremely easy recipe.  Bake a box red velvet cake.  When the cake is cool, crumble it up.  Add a can of cream cheese frosting.  Roll into little balls.  Put them in the fridge for a few hours.  Then roll them in melted chocolate and set them on wax paper.  What could be easier?


  1. Replies
    1. They got rave reviews from everyone who ate them and they are easy! Plus being red velvet they are fleshy looking so if I could figure out a way to make them into body parts...

  2. hey, lady, these look fantastic! will definitely be printing this recipe off. sorry I haven't been around lately and sorry I haven't responded to your last comments! don't think I've ever neglected my blogging for this long. sort of been feeling lackluster and with little to say. 'sigh' . anyway, the ol' Halloween spirit is beginning to revive in me a bit so, I should be popping up a bit more now. forgive me, my dear! :)

    1. So glad to hear from you. I have missed you! But I agree, finding halloween spirit in January is a challenge. But glad to hear you are feeling revived and I am looking foward to your next post.
