Saturday, December 7, 2019

Brief interlude from Creepmas

And now a word about toilets.  This is what our President had to say yesterday

 “People are flushing toilets 10 times, 15 times as opposed to once. They end up using more water,”

 Now I don't know about you but I have a low water toilet and I only need to flush once.   Think about it - he has no research.  He is probably basing this claim on his personal experience. Obviously the Orange Cheeto does not know how to flush a toilet or he's taking some monumental dumps.

And with that revolting image in mind, I will return to Creepmas.


  1. Taking a big dump is about the only thing on which I'd trust his judgment.

  2. The Electoral Board decides who is President... Popular Vote (us) have little Say in the matter

    1. Still would it be to much to hope for that the electoral college could get us a President capable of flushing a toilet?

  3. I hate to judge, I mean as a mere mortal I have no idea how many flushes it takes to clear a golden throne. Maybe he has some sort of ritual of pre-tweet, post-tweet and currently tweeting flushes that he thinks we all subscribe to.

    Then again maybe he just guessed. I can't really see him flushing, just leaving it as a problem for the next person to deal with.

  4. My opinion is there are no golden toilets in the WH and he is prepping folks for an all new makeover that will cost a s**t load.

  5. All of these are good observations. I mean, I have never seen so much thought put into the flushing.
